Years after my lottery dream, I discovered that precognition isn’t limited to the revelation of life-changing events.
It can just as easily relate to absolute, mind-numbing trivia.
The dream that led to this revelation did not have quite the same sense of urgency or certainty as the lottery version, but it was ‘real’ enough for me to mention it to my partner, Sarah, during our morning coffee.
"It’s weird," I said, draining the dregs of a strong Columbian mix, pacified with a touch of chocolate powder. "I dreamt that Tessa came up the steps, at the front of the house, holding her jaw." I refilled my cup. "She told me that it felt like she had been punched in the face."
Sarah, chuckled.
We’d had a minor disagreement with our next-door neighbours some days previously, and Sarah had jumped to the obvious conclusion: this wasn’t some magical portent of things to come, but a case of my subconscious mind ruminating on the argument, in the way that only the subconscious can.
Coffee well and truly finished, and small child suitably prepped for a visit to her grandparents, we left the house. As we approached the steps, taking us from the elevated path down to road level, Tessa pulled up and got out of her car.
By the time she had reached the top step, she was wincing and holding her jaw. We stopped, allowing her to pass. And the chit-chat between Sarah and myself faded away, as it slowly dawned on us that the dream was unfolding, before our eyes.

I started to say something to Tessa, but she beat me to it.
"It feels like I’ve been punched in the face!" She said, gently rubbing her jaw.
"Why do you say that?" Sarah replied, glancing backwards and forwards between me and Tessa, a look of disbelief etched across her face.
"Bloody dentist," said Tessa, shaking her head.
She departed, leaving Sarah to stare at me, open mouthed. "I don’t understand… how did you do that?" She asked, perplexed.
"I have no idea," I replied, equally bemused. "She was even wearing the same clothes as in the dream," I added, "though I didn’t bother to mention them earlier."
We continued down the steps and quickly drove away, choosing to focus on our daughter’s propensity for distributing chocolate-based snacks around the leather interior of our Jaguar, rather than the unexpected and slightly unsettling familiarity of our interaction with Tessa.
And that’s pretty much it.
A dream significant enough to mention at breakfast, but mundane enough to make absolutely no difference to anyone’s life. Other than to reinforce my own belief in the existence of precognition.
Paradoxically, it could be argued this actually increases the dream’s importance, in the overall scheme of things. If dreams really do connect us with future events, why should it only be the earth-shattering stuff that filters though?
No, a humdrum dream that comes to pass within hours might reveal as much about this phenomenon as a spectacular dream that take months or years to appear in the waking world.
The boring stuff has the potential to be just as jaw-dropping, you might say.